CgalMesh for dtk is the name of an Action de Développement Technologique, aka ADT, that aims at simplifying the use of the Cgal Mesh features so that Inria researchers and engineers can handle them in a quite fast and easy way.
Since CMake 3.2, it is possible to enforce in very simple way the use of c++11 features (see Craig Scott’s blog post for more details). Until now in dtk, we had to test the architecture (Apple, Unix or Windows), then check whether the compiler provides c++11 support or not and eventually set dedicated flags manually.
Suite à l’installation par l’équipe SEISM d’un plugin Markdown (merci à eux), nous pourront désormais écrire nos blog-posts en utilisant la syntaxe Markdown. En pratique pour activer le mode markdown, il vous suffit d’encadrer le contenu de votre post entre les balises [ md] et [ /md].
OpenMP 4.5 provides a standardised set to carry out loop vectorization. One can use simd directive to indicate that a loop should be SIMDized. As using these features should not bring too many modifications in a code and offer performance gains, we decided to test them on two real relevant cases. The code is available on github.
Le projet inHeart , startup en création suivie par le STIP-Sam, a été présenté à François Hollande le 6 avril 2016 à la journée des IHUs , sur les recommandations du CGI (Commissariat général à l’investissement).