The SED together with the Technological Development Committee of Sophia organized Wednesday, November 22, 2017 an event to discover the development and transfer projects of the Sophia Antipolis Mediterranean center.
This event, open to all, was the occasion for cross-presentations between the different project leaders and it enabled to highlight the software and scientific qualities of the exposed demonstrators.
In practice, each of the 27 carriers presented in less than 3 minutes the scientific, technological and transfer issues of their project. Following these presentations, the participants (leaders and engineers) were able to demonstrate their software on individual stands and detail them more precisely.
In summary, this event was as follows:
- 9h30 - 11h: 27 presentations of 3 min (amphitheater - Kahn Building) * 11h - 12h30: 21 software and hardware demos (Kahn rooms and Kahn Building Rd.)
We would like to thank the participants for playing the game of presentations and preparing these beautiful demos.
The speakers were given 3 minutes each to present their project according to the following template: * slide 1: project identity card (team, leader, means granted, subject, technologies used) * slide 2: list of scientific, technological and transfer issues * slide 3: presentation of the demo
The slides of the presentations are available here.
Below is the chronology of the presentations and the list of speakers.
From 9.30 to 10am
# | Project name | Team | Speaker | :–: | :————-: | :—————: | :————-: | 01 | DIOGENeS | Nachos | J. Viquerat (engineer) | 02 | R2Lab | Diana | W. Dabbous (leader) | 03 | BuildingSmart | Acumes | A. Habbal (leader) | 04 | ScaGram | Wimmics | E. Demairy (SED engineer) | 05 | Triton2 | Zenith | D. Parigot (leader) | 06 | Odin+ | Biocore | O. Bernard (leader) | 07 | GMSIVE | Hephaïstos | J-P. Merlet (leader) | 08 | Patient Monitoring | Stars | J. Badie (engineer) | 09 | WindPos | Tosca | T. Kloczko (SED engineer) |
From 10am to 10.30
# | Project name | Team | Speaker | :–: | :————-: | :—————: | :————-: | 10 | CGALMesh for dtk | Titane/AroMath | P. Alliez (leader) | 11 | Bolis | Apics | J. Leblond (leader) | 12 | Edumics | Wimmics | G. Fekou Pelap (engineer) | 13 | MGDA | Acumes | J-A. Désidéri (leader) | 14 | ElectroSmart | Diana | A. Legout (leader) | 15 | Tissuelab | Virtual Plants | J. Wintz (SED engineer) | 16 | Intellequiz | Wimmics | O. Rodriguez Rocha (engineer) | 17 | Diamms | Tosca | D. Talay (leader) | 18 | Acqua | Diana | C. Barakat (leader) |
From 10.30 to 11am
# | Project name | Team | Speaker | :–: | :————-: | :—————: | :————-: | 19 | FlowNext | Acumes | R. Duvigneau (leader) | 20 | BCI Browser | Athena | T. Papadopoulo (leader) | 21 | PicPlay | GraphDeco | S. Bonnopera (engineer) | 22 | MultiDomain Platform | SED | T. Kloczko (SED engineer) | 23 | Bomotech/Ekkinox | Stars | M. Gautier (co-leader) | 24 | C-Sito | Castor | T. Kloczko (SED engineer) | 25 | Imitates | Zenith | F. Masseglia (leader) | 26 | Senistec/Neurinnov | Camin | R. Reboul / A. Hiairrassary (engineer) | 27 | PlantNet | Zenith | A. Joly (leader) |
The 21 software and hardware demos took place in the 3 rooms of the Kahn building. The Sophia Center Computer Service (SIC) provided screens on which participants could connect their laptops. Here are some pictures illustrating these demos (all the photos are available here)