BuildingSmart is a 3D software in paternership between ACUMES and SED teams from INRIA.

We have used Unity 3D for the 2 first cycles of developpment.

1rst Cycle

This is a short demo of the first cycle Demo :

<!– <iframe width=”840” height=”473” src=”” title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0” allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen</iframe – 2nd Cycle

For the second cycle, the settings has been modified to add more detail to the simulation :

IHM 2.0

Plans has been removed and we have replaced it by cubes.

It provides more possibilities, flexibilities and more realism.

BS 3-0 3

A function compute the oppacty of the particles.

The opacity is higher close to the extremums and lower close to the average.

Opacity extrem MultiPics

3th Cycle

The third cycle has been dedicated to architecture.

A IFC File reader plungin has been used for the creation of a Tree hierarchy :

  • Node
    • Site
      • Building
        • Building Storey
          • Building Element (Door, Slab, Wall, Window,…)
          • Building Element
          • Building Element
        • Building Storey

4-5th Cycle

During the fourth cycle, it has been decided to divide the time of developpment in 5 parts :

  1. Creation of Files

a. IFC “basic”


b. VTK File with datas which fit the IFC file

VTK Grid

  1. Binding an IFC Plugin to Unity

  2. Binding a VTK Plugin to Unity

  3. Binding a Compute Heat Plugin

  4. Binding a Cartesian mesher


6-7th Cycle


1.GUI User

2.CLUT (Color Look up table)

test-4 test-5

  1. To adapt the position of the Tex3D and the dimensions of the volume

4.Compute the average of the alphas on one raycast

5.Clipping plane in X, Y, Z



8-9th Cycle


  1. Changing of the architecture of the project

  2. Architecture files

  3. data

  4. src

  5. test

  6. Architecture software

  7. vtkIO

  8. bsheat

  9. testALL

  10. Using of CMake, SWIG, Doxygen

  11. Compîlation of libraries in multiplatform Mac, Linux, Windows

  12. Packaging standalone Unity Mac, Linyx, Windows


VTK file open with Paraview (left) and with BSmart Unity (right)


Volume Rendering Cycle 9


10th Cycle (febuary 2017)

For this cycle, it has been choose to realize the reproduction of a real office in Unity.

In one week, it was necessary to be the most realist as possible of the reality to prove the “added value” of Unity.

We have implemented the Volume Rendering inside of the scene and correct the problem of opacity, computing of the fog and occlusion in the 3D Scene.

At the end, we have visualized the scene inside of the Oculus Rift DK1 to immerge the user inside of the scene.

O12  O25O29O27

With the Oculus :

O30 O31


11th Cycle

(Incomming)BuildingSmart is a 3D software in paternership between ACUMES and SED teams from INRIA.

We have used Unity 3D for the 2 first cycles of developpment.

This is a short demo of the first cycle Demo :


For the second cycle, the settings has been modified to add more detail to the simulation :

IHM 2.0

Plans has been removed and we have replaced it by cubes.

It provides more possibilities, flexibilities and more realism.

BS 3-0 3

A function compute the oppacty of the particles.

The opacity is higher close to the extremums and lower close to the average.

Opacity extrem MultiPics