This is a simple checklist on how to ask for a personal SSL certificate, which will allow to sign your git contribs or your emails. The procedure is described for macOSX platform, but can be easily adapted to other platforms.
Here are this month articles: Hydra A fresh look at configuration for machine learning projects Hydra is a recently released open-source Python framework developed at Facebook AI that simplifies the development of research and other complex applications. Great when you want to launch the same code with different options: python --multirun dataset=imagenet,cifar10 optimiser=adam,nesterov. This will launch 4 runs!
First, develop some feature in a branch, open a merge request. After it’s been reviewed and merged into develop: git checkout master git pull git checkout develop git pull So that the two synchronization branches are up to date.
The PaneSlider is a component from dtkWidgets that displays widgets and that can slide on the right to display more menus. Currently this PaneSlider is a bit problematic. There are some annoying bugs related to sliding, where it only slide halfway or where widgets are not displayed . To find your way in all the classes in the project, I made a map of classes. You’ll find for every class its slots, signals, methods and mother class (in red). On the top-right corner you’ll find the file and the line number to find the class easily.
GPU cards were originally designed for graphics. Over years, their powerful massively parallel architectures became used for AI and HPC computations. High level frameworks, like Tensorflow or Pytorch in the deep-learning field, permitted wide adoption by hiding complexity from lower programming layers like CUDA.